49-Year-Old Female from Verbena, Alabama who has been out of work since 2013 due to a diagnosis of: fibromyalgia, narcolepsy, migraine headaches, plantar fasciitis, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The Gonzalez & Goetz attorneys argued that because of her sleep disorder...
Tourette’s Syndrome – 34 Year-Old Male
34 year-old male from Mays Landing, New Jersey has severe Tourette's Syndrome, severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, major depression, severe anxiety, insomnia, asthma, and migraines. Hearing Summary: 34-year-old male with a Title 16 only claim applying for social...
Multiple Orthopedic Issues – 64 Year-Old Female
64 year-old female from Lincoln, Nebraska suffering from: Migraines, severe osteoporosis in all back (3 broken bones), status post 2 kyphoplasty procedures, status post 2 hip replacements (2020), high cholesterol, an overactive thyroid and ambulating with a medically...
Trigeminal Neuralgia & Migraine Headaches – 59 Year-Old Female
59 Year-Old Female from Fort Lauderdale, Florida who suffers from Trigeminal Neuralgia and migraine headaches. This claimant was previously found disabled on her Supplemental Security Income application dated 4/5/2017. However, her Date Last Insured was on 3/31/2013....